LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - cpp2can/include/can/transceiver - ICanTransceiver.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1 1 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-26 13:32:38 Functions: 0 0 -

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright 2024 Accenture.
       2             : 
       3             : /**
       4             :  * Contains class ICanTransceiver.
       5             :  * \file        ICanTransceiver.h
       6             :  * \ingroup     transceiver
       7             :  */
       8             : #ifndef GUARD_27E4B707_98D8_4921_AE69_087539D3BDCF
       9             : #define GUARD_27E4B707_98D8_4921_AE69_087539D3BDCF
      10             : 
      11             : #include "can/transceiver/ICANTransceiverStateListener.h"
      12             : 
      13             : #include <estd/forward_list.h>
      14             : #include <platform/estdint.h>
      15             : 
      16             : namespace can
      17             : {
      18             : class CANFrame;
      19             : class CanTransportLayer;
      20             : class FrameDispatcher;
      21             : class ICANFrameListener;
      22             : class ICANFrameSentListener;
      23             : class IFilteredCANFrameSentListener;
      24             : 
      25             : /**
      26             :  *  Cpp2Can Can Transceiver base interface
      27             :  *
      28             :  * \see AbstractCANTransceiver for a base HW independent implementation.
      29             :  *
      30             :  * \section Statemachine
      31             :  * A subclass of ICanTransceiver has to implement the following
      32             :  * statemachine. Initial state shall be CLOSED.
      33             :  *
      34             :  * <table border=1 bordercolor="black">
      35             :  * <tr>
      36             :  * <th>state</th><th>method called</th><th>follow state</th>
      37             :  * </tr>
      38             :  * <tr>
      39             :  * <td>CLOSED</td><td>init()</td><td>INITIALIZED</td>
      40             :  * </tr>
      41             :  * <tr>
      42             :  * <td>INITIALIZED</td><td>open()</td><td>OPEN</td>
      43             :  * </tr>
      44             :  * <tr>
      45             :  * <td>OPEN</td><td>close()</td><td>CLOSED</td>
      46             :  * </tr>
      47             :  * <tr>
      48             :  * <td>OPEN</td><td>mute()</td><td>MUTED</td>
      49             :  * </tr>
      50             :  * <tr>
      51             :  * <td>MUTED</td><td>unmute()</td><td>OPEN</td>
      52             :  * </tr>
      53             :  * <tr>
      54             :  * <td>MUTED</td><td>close()</td><td>CLOSED</td>
      55             :  * </tr>
      56             :  * </table>
      57             :  *
      58             :  *
      59             :  *
      60             :  * \todo
      61             :  * add a callback for successful transmission of a CANFrame
      62             :  */
      63             : class ICanTransceiver
      64             : {
      65             : protected:
      66          48 :     ICanTransceiver() = default;
      67             : 
      68             : public:
      69             :     ICanTransceiver(ICanTransceiver const&)            = delete;
      70             :     ICanTransceiver& operator=(ICanTransceiver const&) = delete;
      71             : 
      72             :     /**
      73             :      * All ErroCodes used by CanTransceivers
      74             :      */
      75             :     enum class ErrorCode : uint8_t
      76             :     {
      77             :         /** Everything OK */
      78             :         CAN_ERR_OK,
      79             :         /** Transmission failed */
      80             :         CAN_ERR_TX_FAIL,
      81             :         /** Hw queue was full */
      82             :         CAN_ERR_TX_HW_QUEUE_FULL,
      83             :         /** Transceiver was offline when trying to transmit */
      84             :         CAN_ERR_TX_OFFLINE,
      85             :         /** Transceiver is in an illegal state for the requested operation */
      86             :         CAN_ERR_ILLEGAL_STATE,
      87             :         /** The list of possible listeners is full */
      88             :         CAN_ERR_NO_MORE_LISTENERS_POSSIBLE,
      89             :         /** The requested baudrate is not supported */
      90             :         CAN_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_BAUDRATE,
      91             :         /** Transceiver could not be initalized */
      92             :         CAN_ERR_INIT_FAILED
      93             :     };
      94             : 
      95             :     /**
      96             :      * States used by CanTransceivers
      97             :      */
      98             :     enum class State : uint8_t
      99             :     {
     100             :         /** Transceiver is closed */
     101             :         CLOSED,
     102             :         /** Transceivers hardware is initialized */
     103             :         INITIALIZED,
     104             :         /** Transceiver is waking up bus participants */
     105             :         WAKING,
     106             :         /** Transceiver is open */
     107             :         OPEN,
     108             :         /** Transceiver does not send but receive */
     109             :         MUTED
     110             :     };
     111             : 
     112             :     enum
     113             :     {
     114             :         /** Size of receive queue */
     115             :         RX_QUEUE_SIZE      = 32,
     116             :         /** Lowspeed baudrate is 100 kBit/s */
     117             :         BAUDRATE_LOWSPEED  = 100000,
     118             :         /** Highspeed baudrate is 500 kBit/s */
     119             :         BAUDRATE_HIGHSPEED = 500000,
     120             :         INVALID_FRAME_ID   = 0xFFFF
     121             :     };
     122             : 
     123             :     /**
     124             :      * Initializes the transceivers hardware and enables the transceiver
     125             :      * to write CANFrames but not to receive them.
     126             :      * \pre     getState() == CLOSED
     127             :      * \post    getState() == INITIALIZED
     128             :      * \return
     129             :      *          - CAN_ERR_OK: transition executed
     130             :      *          - CAN_ERR_ILLEGAL_STATE: method was called in wrong state
     131             :      */
     132             :     virtual ErrorCode init() = 0;
     133             : 
     134             :     /**
     135             :      * Called before finally shutting down, used to clean up e.g. pending timeouts.
     136             :      */
     137             :     virtual void shutdown() = 0;
     138             : 
     139             :     /**
     140             :      * Sets the transceiver to a status ready for transmission and reception under the
     141             :      * restriction, that no other frame will be sent before frame frame.
     142             :      * When the frame is transmitted, the state must be set to OPEN, e.g.
     143             :      * in a tx callback function.
     144             :      * If this functionality is not required, the function shall assert to inhibit
     145             :      * unwanted usage.
     146             :      * \param frame frame to transmit during wake up phase
     147             :      * \pre     getState() == INITIALIZED
     148             :      * \post    getState() == WAKING
     149             :      * \return
     150             :      *          - CAN_ERR_OK: transition executed
     151             :      *          - CAN_ERR_ILLEGAL_STATE: method was called in wrong state
     152             :      */
     153             :     virtual ErrorCode open(CANFrame const& frame) = 0;
     154             : 
     155             :     /**
     156             :      * Sets the transceiver to a status ready for transmission and reception
     157             :      * \pre     getState() == INITIALIZED
     158             :      * \post    getState() == OPEN
     159             :      * \return
     160             :      *          - CAN_ERR_OK: transition executed
     161             :      *          - CAN_ERR_ILLEGAL_STATE: method was called in wrong state
     162             :      */
     163             :     virtual ErrorCode open() = 0;
     164             : 
     165             :     /**
     166             :      * Stops the transceiver and shuts down hardware disabling both
     167             :      * reception and transmission
     168             :      * \pre     getState() == OPEN
     169             :      * \post    getState() == CLOSED
     170             :      * \return
     171             :      *          - CAN_ERR_OK: transition executed
     172             :      *          - CAN_ERR_ILLEGAL_STATE: method was called in wrong state
     173             :      */
     174             :     virtual ErrorCode close() = 0;
     175             : 
     176             :     /**
     177             :      * Sets the transceiver to a state able to receive CANFrames but
     178             :      * unable to transmit
     179             :      * \pre     getState() == OPEN
     180             :      * \post    getState() == MUTED
     181             :      * \return
     182             :      *          - CAN_ERR_OK: transition executed
     183             :      *          - CAN_ERR_ILLEGAL_STATE: method was called in wrong state
     184             :      */
     185             :     virtual ErrorCode mute() = 0;
     186             : 
     187             :     /**
     188             :      * Enables sending CANFrames again after CANTransceiver has been muted
     189             :      * \pre     getState() == MUTED
     190             :      * \post    getState() == OPEN
     191             :      * \return
     192             :      *          - CAN_ERR_OK: transition executed
     193             :      *          - CAN_ERR_ILLEGAL_STATE: method was called in wrong state
     194             :      */
     195             :     virtual ErrorCode unmute() = 0;
     196             : 
     197             :     /**
     198             :      * \return  internal state of transceiver
     199             :      * \see State
     200             :      */
     201             :     virtual State getState() const = 0;
     202             : 
     203             :     /**
     204             :      * \return  baudrate of transceiver
     205             :      */
     206             :     virtual uint32_t getBaudrate() const = 0;
     207             : 
     208             :     /**
     209             :      * \return  The timeout after which the hw-queue will be empty again.
     210             :      * The value is computed from baudrate and queue depth.
     211             :      */
     212             :     virtual uint16_t getHwQueueTimeout() const = 0;
     213             : 
     214             :     /**
     215             :      * Writes a CANFrame to Can bus
     216             :      * \param frame frame to transmit
     217             :      * \return
     218             :      *          - CAN_ERR_OK: transmission was successful
     219             :      *          - CAN_ERR_TX_HW_QUEUE_FULL: tx-hardware-queue is full
     220             :      *          - CAN_ERR_TX_OFFLINE: transceiver was offline while trying to transmit
     221             :      *          - CAN_ERR_TX_FAIL: transmission failed with unspecified error
     222             :      *          - CAN_ERR_ILLEGAL_STATE: method was called in wrong state
     223             :      *
     224             :      * \pre     getState() == INITIALIZED || OPEN
     225             :      *
     226             :      * \section Timing
     227             :      * A call to this method is non-blocking,
     228             :      * i.e. it immediately returns an error if e.g. the hw-queue is full
     229             :      * and relies on the calling task to retry the transmission.
     230             :      */
     231             :     virtual ErrorCode write(CANFrame const& frame) = 0;
     232             : 
     233             :     /**
     234             :      * As other write() method with additional listener for
     235             :      * callbacks once sent.
     236             :      */
     237             :     virtual ErrorCode write(CANFrame const& frame, ICANFrameSentListener& listener) = 0;
     238             : 
     239             :     /**
     240             :      * Adds an ICANFrameListener to listener list
     241             :      * \param   canFrameListener    listener to register
     242             :      *
     243             :      * This method might contains a critical section and uses Suspend-/ResumeOSInterrupts.
     244             :      *
     245             :      * \attention
     246             :      * The filter of canFrameListener shall be merged into the tranceivers rx-filter.
     247             :      * It must be configured before adding the listener!
     248             :      */
     249             :     virtual void addCANFrameListener(ICANFrameListener& listener) = 0;
     250             : 
     251             :     /**
     252             :      * Adds a listener to the front of the receiver list.
     253             :      * \see addCANFrameListener
     254             :      * Using this method makes sure that the added listener is notified first
     255             :      * of a incoming CANFrame.
     256             :      */
     257             :     virtual void addVIPCANFrameListener(ICANFrameListener& listener) = 0;
     258             : 
     259             :     /**
     260             :      * Removes an ICANFrameListener from listener list
     261             :      * \param   canFrameListener    listener to remove
     262             :      *
     263             :      * This method might contain a critical section and uses Suspend-/ResumeOSInterrupts.
     264             :      *
     265             :      * \attention
     266             :      * The elements of canFrameListeners filter will not be removed from
     267             :      * the transceivers rx-filter.
     268             :      */
     269             :     virtual void removeCANFrameListener(ICANFrameListener& listener) = 0;
     270             : 
     271             :     /**
     272             :      * \return  busId of transceiver
     273             :      */
     274             :     virtual uint8_t getBusId() const = 0;
     275             : 
     276             :     /**
     277             :      * adds an addCANFrameSentListener to listener list
     278             :      * \param    listener    listener to register
     279             :      *
     280             :      * \attention
     281             :      * The filter of listener is merged into the transceivers rx-filter.
     282             :      * It must be configured before adding the listener!
     283             :      */
     284             :     virtual void addCANFrameSentListener(IFilteredCANFrameSentListener& listener) = 0;
     285             : 
     286             :     /**
     287             :      * removes an ICANFrameListener from listener list
     288             :      * \param    listener    listener to remove
     289             :      *
     290             :      * \note
     291             :      * The elements of listener filter will not be removed from
     292             :      * the transceivers rx-filter.
     293             :      */
     294             :     virtual void removeCANFrameSentListener(IFilteredCANFrameSentListener& listener) = 0;
     295             : 
     296             :     /**
     297             :      * Get the hardware state of the CAN transceiver.
     298             :      * \return  state   hardware state of the CAN transceiver
     299             :      */
     300             :     virtual ICANTransceiverStateListener::CANTransceiverState getCANTransceiverState() const = 0;
     301             : 
     302             :     /**
     303             :      * Sets the transceivers ICANTransceiverStateListener.
     304             :      * \param   pListener   ICANTransceiverStateListener to notify when an error
     305             :      * occurrs.
     306             :      */
     307             :     virtual void setStateListener(ICANTransceiverStateListener& listener) = 0;
     308             : 
     309             :     virtual void removeStateListener() = 0;
     310             : 
     311             :     /**
     312             :      * \note OBSOLETE INTERFACE
     313             :      *
     314             :      * Please use addCANFrameSentListener()
     315             :      *
     316             :      * Sets and ICANFrameSentListener that gets called when a frame has been
     317             :      * sent. There is only one listener possible.
     318             :      * \param pListener
     319             :      */
     320             :     virtual void setCANFrameSentListener(IFilteredCANFrameSentListener* pListener) = 0;
     321             : };
     322             : 
     323             : } // namespace can
     324             : 
     325             : #endif // GUARD_27E4B707_98D8_4921_AE69_087539D3BDCF

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14