async - Asynchronous Execution Interface


The async module defines an interface for running runnable objects in specific execution contexts.

To be able to run code in arbitrary contexts in a generic way, this module provides an abstraction on top of OS specific primitives, allowing to write easily-portable concurrent code.

An async implementation provides an appropriate Types.h, defining the types used by async. The reference Types.h can be found in async/mock/gmock/include/async/Types.h. It provides an example of the types that need to be defined by all async implementations. For a description of the types used by async, see Concepts.

A number of implementations are available:
  • asyncFreeRtos

  • asyncPosix


Three functions are specified by async:


Allows to execute a RunnableType immediately in an execution ContextType


Allows to schedule a RunnableType to be run after a delay in a ContextType


Allows to schedule a RunnableType to be run periodically in a ContextType

Additionally, async defines in util/Call.h an interface to create a RunnableType from an executable object (i.e. that defines the () operator). A Function type alias implementing it for an ::estd::function is provided.


#include <async/Async.h>
#include <async/util/Call.h>

constexpr ::async::TimeUnitType PERIOD_IN_S = 1;

::async::TimeoutType runTimeout;
::async::TimeoutType cancelTimeout;

void runModule()
    fprintf(stderr, "running!\n");

void stopModule()

void startModule(::async::ContextType& context)
    ::async::Function moduleRunnable(runModule);
    ::async::scheduleAtFixedRate(context, moduleRunnable, runTimeout, PERIOD_IN_S, ::async::TimeUnit::SECONDS);

    ::async::Function cancelRunnable(stopModule);
    ::async::schedule(context, cancelRunnable, cancelTimeout, 2*PERIOD_IN_S, ::async::TimeUnit::SECONDS);

This example could produce the following output, if startModule is called with async properly set-up (the initialization is platform dependant):

# 1s gap
# end



ContextType is an execution context. All functions which are run in the same context are guaranteed to be run sequentially, allowing safe access to shared resources.

It can be created from a uint8_t and is copyable, assignable, comparable and has a defined invalid value (CONTEXT_INVALID).


RunnableType is an object defining a void execute(void) method, allowing it to be executed. The IRunnable interface in AsyncImpl is one such RunnableType, used by some implementations.


LockType and ModifiableLockType are scoped locks. The modifiable counterpart can be unlocked and locked manually.


The funcional and non-functional semantics of these lock types can differ between implementations of this module for different target platforms. In some cases, platform specific usage invariants may apply. Using these lock types will impact the software’s real-time performance and should only be employed when absolutely necessary and with an understanding of the wider impact of their use.

Time units

TimeUnitType is a type providing a definition of micro-, milli- and full seconds. The following values are available from the TimeUnit scope:



TimeoutType is a type that provides the memory to enable the use of schedule and scheduleAtFixedRate. It can be cancelled with its cancel method.


If a module uses async, it must check for the correct usage of types by writing a unit test with the async mocks, provided in the mock/gmock sub-folder.

The following mocks are available, that mock all async methods:

  • AsyncMock

  • LockMock

  • TimeoutMock

When mocking all of async is not desired, TestContext.h and .cpp can be used. They provide a way to emulate async behaviour, that can be triggered manually for a specific context.

Porting to a new platform

To port async to a new platform, one must start by providing an adequate Types.h, mapping the concepts to the target platform.