transport - Transport Library

The module transport provides classes that deal with bus independent large messages. On a bus like CAN these messages need to be split into small frames and this is done by a so called transport protocol. So in general a transport protocol assembles bus specific frames with a limited payload into larger chunks of data. A typical use case is UDS requests and responses where large messages are sent to an ECU e.g. during flashing.


There are only a few interfaces that need an implementation to start sending and receiving of a TransportMessage.

[transport] --> ITransportMessageListener
[transport] --> AbstractTransportLayer
[transport] --> ITransportMessageProvider
[transport] --> ITransportMessageProcessedListener

TpRouting Example

The following sequence diagram provides an overview of how a routing from one bus to another works:

actor RxBus
participant "__**TpLayer1**__\nAbstractTransportLayer" as TpLayer1
participant "__**TpRouter**__\nITransportMessageListener\nITransportMessageProcessedListener\nITransportMessageProvider" as TpRouter
participant "__**TpLayer2**__\nAbstractTransportLayer" as TpLayer2
actor TxBus

RxBus ->  TpLayer1: received BusMessage
          TpLayer1 -> TpRouter: getTransportMessage()
alt TP_OK
          TpLayer1 <-- TpRouter: TP_OK
          TpLayer1 ->  TpLayer1: receive message
          TpLayer1 ->  TpRouter: messageReceived()
                       TpRouter -> TpRouter: routeMessage()
                       activate TpRouter
                       TpRouter -> TpLayer2: send()
                       deactivate TpRouter
                                   TpLayer2 -> TxBus: transmit message
                       TpRouter <- TpLayer2: transportMessageProcessed()
          TpLayer1 <-  TpRouter: transportMessageProcessed()
          TpLayer1 ->  TpRouter: releaseTransportMessage()
else Failure
          TpLayer1 <-- TpRouter: ErrorCode
          TpLayer1 ->  TpLayer1: discard BusMessage

Memory Management

A TransportMessage needs a considerable amount of memory and in most cases it is impractical to provide this memory in the instances of the TransportLayers. As dynamic memory allocation is not allowed the interface ITransportMessageProvider provides functions to encapsulate the management of the TransportMessages.

There is a clear design rule: The instance that calls getTransportMessage() also has to call releaseTransportMessage(). This is also true in case any error occurs, when a TransportMessage gets passed around. This can be tricky because we do not use exceptions. So you need to make sure the instance that initially requests the TransportMessage is always notified to release it.


MyTpLayer -> ITransportMessageProvider: getTransportMessage()
== Handling of TransportMessage ==
MyTpLayer -> ITransportMessageProvider: releaseTransportMessage()

Implementing a transport layer

The base class for all transport layer implementations is ::transport::AbstractTransportLayer. A transport layer encapsulates the bus specific handling of frames to accumulate a larger message. It is therefore associated with a ::common::busid::BusId which is a required constructor argument.

Transmitting data

Application -- (Send TransportMessage)
(Send TransportMessage) -up- TransportLayer
(Send TransportMessage) -- ITransportMessageProcessedListener

The only pure virtual function in AbstractTransportLayer that needs to be implemented is send() which shall transmit the data provided in the first argument’s TransportMessage to the underlying bus system.

class AbstractTransportLayer {
  {abstract} +send(TransportMessage&, ITransportMessageProcessedListener*)
class MyTransportLayer {
  +send(TransportMessage&, ITransportMessageProcessedListener*)
AbstractTransportLayer <|-- MyTransportLayer

As sending such a message normally is an asynchronous process, the second argument of type ITransportMessageProcessedListener can be used to notify the sending instance that the data has been transmitted. Errors that happen while sending the data can be reported by either synchronously returning the appropriate AbstractTransportLayer::ErrorCode or asynchronously through the transportMessageProcessed() function.

TX Example

Here’s an example of how classes interact when a message is sent:

actor Application
participant "__**MyTransportLayer**__\nAbstractTransportLayer" as TpLayer
participant "__**pProcessedListener**__\nITransportMessageProcessedListener" as ProcessedListener

Application -> TpLayer: send(transportMessage, pProcessedListener)
               TpLayer ->  TpLayer: send message
               TpLayer -> ProcessedListener: transportMessageProcessed(transportMessage, ErrorCode)

Receiving data

ITransportMessageProvider -- (Memory Management)
AbstractTransportLayer -- (Memory Management)
AbstractTransportLayer -- (Receive TransportMessage)
ITransportMessageListener -- (Receive TransportMessage)

Typically a transport protocol on a frame based bus consists of different frame types. Standards like ISO-15765 (CAN TP) define how these frames are built. They also define the maximum amount of data that can be transported in one segmented message, in case of CAN TP this is 4095 bytes. A first frame (FF), as the name suggests, first frame of a large message, includes the information how long the total frame will be. This allows a transport layer to allocate the required amount of memory after receiving only one frame and not to waste memory by requiring the whole 4095 to be reserved. Normally transport protocols also provide a way of flow control. This means putting a sender on hold while no memory for receiving more data is available. In CAN TP this is done via flow control frames (FC). The remaining data is then transmitted in so called consecutive frames (CF).

As learned above, the memory management is done by an instance of ITransportMessageProvider. This allows a CAN TP layer to handle N parallel receptions with the static memory of just N * sizeof(FF).

RX example

Here’s an example of how classes interact when a message is received:

actor RxBus
participant "__**MyTransportLayer**__\nAbstractTransportLayer" as TpLayer

RxBus ->  TpLayer: received FF
          TpLayer ->  ITransportMessageProvider: getTransportMessage()
          TpLayer <-- ITransportMessageProvider: TP_OK
RxBus <-  TpLayer: send FC
loop x times
    RxBus ->  TpLayer: send CF
          TpLayer ->  TpLayer: assemble message
          TpLayer ->  ITransportMessageListener: messageReceived(transportMessage, this)
                      ITransportMessageListener -> ITransportMessageListener: handleMessage()
          TpLayer <-  ITransportMessageListener: transportMessageProcessed()
          TpLayer ->  ITransportMessageProvider: releaseTransportMessage()

Helper functions