Automatic Formatting

To format all code, use Treefmt.


Formatting a file:

treefmt <file_to_check>

Formatting all files at once:


IDE Integration

VS Code

To use treefmt from within VS Code install the treefmt-vscode plugin.

And configure the plugin by adding the following lines into the .vscode/settings.json file:

"editor.defaultFormatter": "ibecker.treefmt-vscode",
"editor.formatOnSave": true

Vim Builtin Format Operator gq

You may use vim’s builtin format operator gq (see :help gq in case you don’t know it) b pointing its formatprg option to clang-format, i.e.:

"" Make sure to have 'filetype' activated, e.g.
filetype plugin indent on

"" set formatexpr and formatprg when filetype is cpp
au FileType cpp setlocal formatexpr= formatprg=clang-format\ -style=file

This (of course) assumes clang-format being in your $PATH. You can now apply the formatting e.g. by hitting gq on your selected text:


Header Guard Generation

You can create a header guard manually or use one of the following tools.

VS Code Include Guard Extension

Install the “C/C++ Include Guard” extension.

Aside from the built-in extension browser, you can also find it here: or here:

Next, configure the extension in your settings menu (search @ext:akiramiyakoda.cppincludeguard) and set the prefix to “GUARD_”.

Vim UUID Generation Plugin

Install a UUID generation plugin (here’s one):

Create a new custom function to use the UUID generator, and insert the appropriate preprocessor statements:

function! GenIncludeGuard()
    let guard  = join(["GUARD", substitute(NuuidNewUuid(), '-', '_', 'g')], "_")
    let ifndef = join(["#ifndef",   guard], " ")
    let define = join(["#define",   guard], " ")
    let endif  = join(["#endif //", guard], " ")
    " Extra empty strings included here to insert another newline before the endif
    return join([ifndef, define, "", "", "", endif], "\n")

Lastly, map this function (along with ancillary operations) to your favorite keystroke combination. Here’s an example mapping:

nnoremap <leader>u i<C-R>=GenIncludeGuard()<CR><Esc>