Using the console
Previous: Understanding the directory structure
A console is provided in which you can enter commands and see log messages from the application. On an embedded platform this is usually provided as a serial console over UART. On the POSIX platform, it is provided in the standard I/O of the shell in which the application is executed.
If you press return, you should see that a prompt >
appears, indicating commands may be entered.
If you enter the command help
and press return a list of available commands is printed.
Available Console Commands
POSIX Platform
> help
can - Can system.
info - print bus info
send - send frame: id data[8]
[send 0x123 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] sends to CAN_0 Frame(CanId = 0x123)
help - Show all commands or specific help for a command given as parameter.
lc - lifecycle command
reboot - reboot the system
poweroff - poweroff the system
level - switch to level
udef - forces an undefined instruction exception
pabt - forces a prefetch abort exception
dabt - forces a data abort exception
assert - forces an assert
logger - logger settings
level - get/set levels. Usage: logger level [<component>] [<new_level>]
stats - lifecycle statistics command
cpu - prints CPU statistics
stack - prints stack statistics
all - prints all statistics
S32K148EVB Platform
> help
adc - Adc Console
all - Print All Adc
get - startChannel ChannelNr [stopChannel ChannelNr]
allx - all scaled adc
can - Can system.
info - print bus info
send - send frame: id data[8]
[send 0x123 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] sends to CAN_0 Frame(CanId = 0x123)
help - Show all commands or specific help for a command given as parameter.
in - inputs console
all - print all inputs, verbose output
get - get input value (param: <input-id>)
allx - all inputs
lc - lifecycle command
reboot - reboot the system
poweroff - poweroff the system
level - switch to level
udef - forces an undefined instruction exception
pabt - forces a prefetch abort exception
dabt - forces a data abort exception
assert - forces an assert
logger - logger settings
level - get/set levels. Usage: logger level [<component>] [<new_level>]
out - outputs console
all - print all outputs
set - set output value (param: <output-id> [0|1])
get - get output value (param: <output-id>)
pwm - Set PWM
all - print all channel numbers and names
set - channel[0-9,0xFF=all] duty[0=off|10000=100%]
setPeriod - channel[0-9] period[microsec]s
stats - lifecycle statistics command
cpu - prints CPU statistics
stack - prints stack statistics
all - prints all statistics
In the above menu printed by help
, indented items are sub-commands of the unindent command above it.
Explore these commands, look at the documentation util::command
and search the code for occurrences of GroupCommand
to improve your understanding.
Read more about individual commands from below:
Statistics that are collected by the CPU and monitor in the console. |
The console logger helps the user to switch between the logger level. |
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