Asynchonous execution
The asyncronous execution family consists of three functions:
Each of the above function would call a corresponding non-blocking method from
class. A more detailed description of the functions may be found in async
The following sequences illustrate the expected behavior of calls to execute from different contexts:
- Execute in a higher-priority context than the current context.The current task is expected to be immediately preempted to execute the higher-priority runnable.
- Execute in the same context as the current context.Even in this case, it is an asynchronous operation. The runnable is expected to be executed only after the complete execution of the current runnable.
- Execute in a lower-priority context than the current context.The lower-priority runnable is expected to be executed only after the execution of all higher-priority runnables has completed.
The following sequences illustrate the expected behavior of calls to schedule
from different contexts:
- Schedule in a higher-priority context.Timers of the higher-priority task are expected to be handled immediately, preempting the lower-priority task.
- Schedule in the same context.Timers of the current context are expected to be handled after the execution of the current runnable, avoiding immediate execution in this specific case.
- Schedule in a lower-priority context.Timer handling is expected to be triggered within the lower-priority context only after all higher-priority handling has been completed.
Define a class that implements the IRunnable
#include <async/Async.h>
class RunnableImpl : public ::async::IRunnable
void execute() override
fprintf(stdout, "Executing TestRunnable!\n");
In client code allocate the runnable object and asynchronously execute it:
static RunnableImpl runnable;
static ::async::TimeoutType timeout;
void executeRunnable(::async::ContextType& context)
// asynchronously execute the runnable:
::async::execute(context, runnable);
// schedule the runnable for single-time execution after 1 second from now:
::async::schedule(context, runnable, timeout, 1, ::async::TimeUnit::SECONDS);
// schedule the runnable for cyclic execution with period 2 seconds:
::async::scheduleAtFixedRate(context, runnable, timeout, 2, ::async::TimeUnit::SECONDS);