CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) codes are a class of error-detecting codes, which are a subset of cyclic codes and, in turn, a subset of linear block codes. The primary purpose of CRC codes is to detect accidental changes in data, such as during transmission. This is achieved by adding redundancy in the form of a checksum to the transmitted data. If the checksum of the received data matches the calculated checksum, it is assumed that no errors occurred during transmission. However, this assumption is not always valid, as certain errors divisible by the generator polynomial cannot be detected.
Theory behind CRC calculations
The redundancy is added by performing a polynomial division over the Galois Field GF(2). In order to be able to calculate this redundancy, a so called generator polynomial g(x) is needed. This polynomial is the divisor in this polynomial division, which takes the data as the dividend and in which the quotient is discarded and the remainder becomes the result. The generator polynomial should also be chosen to maximize the error-detection while minimizing the collision probability. The most important property of this generator polynomial is its length, which is determined by the degree of the polynomial. This property also influences the length of the computed checksum, i.e. the remainder of the polynomial division. Examples how this polynomial division is performed can be seen here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computation_of_cyclic_redundancy_checks.
Commonly used polynomial lengths are:
Length |
CRC width |
9 bits |
CRC-8 |
17 bits |
CRC-16 |
33 bits |
CRC-32 |
Therefore an n bit CRC can calculate an n bit checksum and the polynomial has degree n with a length of n +1. It seems that the polynomial would not fit into a primitive data type (uint8_t, etc.), but it can, as there are two coefficients which are always one, the highest == \(x^{n}\), and the lowest == \(x^{0}\) == 1 positions. Following this, there are four different ways how a generator polynomial can be written. In the “normal” representation the highest coefficient is set as the implicit one. For example if the generator polynomial is \(x^{3} + x + 1\), it could be represented as 0x103, but as the highest coefficient is always one, it is sufficient to write 0x03. Please have a look at the Wikipedia article for the other notations.
Selecting an appropriate CRC width
The error detection effectiveness depends on several factors, including:
the size of the data to be protected,
messages per time frame,
the types of errors to be expected,
the smallest number of bit errors that are undetectable by the CRC code (Hamming Distance [HD]).
Therefore no one-size fits all approach can be used. Given the requirements, a CRC should be chosen which fits these best. A starting point can be the overview of the “best” CRC sizes (assumption: low constant random independent bit error rate (BER)) together with the Hamming Distance [HD]. For example, a CRC-8 is needed which detects 3-bit errors. HD=4 is chosen, as this means, that all 1, 2, …, n-1 bit errors will be detected. According to the table the generator polynomial 0x83, in normal notation 0x107 (without highest coefficient: 0x07), is the best polynomial for HD=4 and for word length up to 119 bits. Above that size, there will be codewords which will be undetectable.
An example which highlights the above factors on error detection (from Dr. Koopman): Assume 72000 messages/hour with each message consisting of 64 bytes. The packet error ratio (PER) can be calculated with: \(1 - (1 - 10^{-8})^{64*8} = 5,12*10^{-6}\) errors/message where \(10^{-8}\) is the bit error probability. Applying this value again in the PER gives: \(1 - (1 - 5,12*10^{-6})^{72000} = 0,3083\) errors/hour. So if for example the requirement says that the packet error rate should be below \(10^{-9}\), then a suitable CRC should be applied:
CRC-16 with HD=1: \(1 - (1 - (5,12*10^{-6} * 2^{-16}))^{72000} = 5,625*10^{-6}\) still not good enough.
CRC-32 with HD=1: \(1 - (1 - (5,12*10^{-6} * 2^{-32}))^{72000} = 8,792*10^{-11}\) this should suffice.
Select a CRC implementation
There are three possibilities how CRCs can be calculated:
Table based calculation: Fast, but bigger memory consumption (RAM/ROM)
Runtime calculation: Less memory consumption (RAM/ROM), but slower
Hardware supported calculation (device specific): Fastest method
This module implements the table based approach with pre-calculated tables. Therefore the RAM usage is lower, but the ROM usage is increased.
Security considerations
The security goal of CRCs is to have an easy and fast way to check the integrity of messages. CRCs provide no security methods for confidentiality or authenticity. An attacker could change the message and the checksum without notice. For stronger security requirements other ways should be considered, for example stream-ciphers with hash calculations (AEAD).
Overview CRC Module
CRC configurations
The CRC template class has six different parameters which can be used to implement a CRC. The parameters are:
CRC width (
)the generator polynomial (hex)
the initial value of the remainder (hex)
if the input is reflected (
)if the output is reflected (
)value of the final XOR (hex)
The values for parameters two, three and six can also be given in decimal or octal, but hexadecimal is the preferred way.
Parameter one sets the width of the CRC calculation and parameter two specifies the generator polynomial. The generator polynomial is set in the “normal” representation, i.e. if \(x^{3} + x + 1\) is the polynomial, then 0x3 is the representation in hex (without the highest coefficient, as it always equals to one). Some applications have a different bit ordering, i.e. the bits are reversed from Most-Significant-Bit (MSB) to Least-Significant-Bit (LSB) or vice versa. Therefore parameters four and five can be used to match these requirements for input or output data. Additionally, some standards set an initial value for the remainder and apply some final value which is XORed with the CRC calculation. Parameters three and six can be used to apply these values.
How to calculate a CRC checksum
It is very important that the exact same CRC configuration is used for the CRC calculation and the CRC verification.
There are already some CRC configurations for different sizes in the header files. If the needed
CRC configuration is not available, see the next subsection on how to add a new configuration.
The usage is as follows: Define an instance of the needed CRC. Call the .init()
method. Feed
the data into the .update()
method and retrieve the checksum with .digest()
#include "util/crc/Crc8.h"
#include <estd/slice.h>
using namespace ::util::crc;
using namespace ::util;
uint8_t calculateCrc8H2F(::estd::slice<uint8_t const> const data)
// initialize CRC
Crc8::Crc8H2F crc8;
crc8.init(); // only necessary if the register will be reused (constructor initializes also)
// return the CRC checksum
return crc8.digest();
int main()
uint8_t array[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09};
::estd::slice<uint8_t> data(array);
uint8_t crcResult = calculateCrc8H2F(data);
printf("CRC-8H2F: 0x%02x\n", crcResult);
} // namespace
How to add a new CRC configuration
At first the necessary configuration information (generator polynomial, input/output reflected, etc. ) of the CRC which should be implemented must be retrieved. A good starting point is the CRC-Catalogue (see below at Further Resources).
There are three possibilities how new CRC configurations can be added:
1. Permanently add a new CRC configuration, LUTs available
If the generator polynomial and the corresponding Look-Up-Tables are available (look under src/util/crc/LookupTable_0x<polynomial>.cpp), then just a new CRC configuration to the struct can be added. See for example the Rohc entry in the Crc8.h header file.
struct Crc8
using Ccitt = CrcRegister<uint8_t, 0x07, 0>;
using Rohc = CrcRegister<uint8_t, 0x07, 0xff, true, true, 0>;
// ...
// Other CRC-8 configurations
// ...
2. Permanently add a new CRC configuration, no LUTs available
If the generator polynomial and the LUTs are not there, a new entry in the specific header files, i.e. for 8, 16, or 32 bit CRCs and the necessary Look-Up-Table (LUT) must be added. Pre-calculate the entries for the LUT and add them in a new file under src/util/crc/LookupTable_0x<polynomial>.cpp. Add also an entry to the corresponding header file.
struct Crc8
// ...
// Other CRC-8 configurations
// ...
using Crc8F_3 = CrcRegister<uint8_t, 0xCF, 0>;
3. Temporarily use a new CRC configuration, LUTs must be available
Directly use the template class and create a new instance if it is just another configuration for an already available polynomial. Just include the util/crc/Crc.h header file and use it as follows:
CrcRegister<uint8_t, 0x07, 0xff, true, true, 0> oneshotCrcRohc;
oneshotCrcRohc.update(_one_byte, sizeof(_one_byte));
ASSERT_EQ(oneshotCrcRohc.digest(), 0x7AU);
oneshotCrcRohc.update(_one_zero_byte, sizeof(_one_zero_byte));
ASSERT_EQ(oneshotCrcRohc.digest(), 0xCFU);
oneshotCrcRohc.update(_multiple_bytes, sizeof(_multiple_bytes));
ASSERT_EQ(oneshotCrcRohc.digest(), 0xD0U);
oneshotCrcRohc.update(_multiple_zero_bytes, sizeof(_multiple_zero_bytes));
ASSERT_EQ(oneshotCrcRohc.digest(), 0xF0U);
Is a specific CRC check sequence of a specified width always the same for other CRC check sequences of the same width?
No it is not. There are many different configurations for e.g. 8-bit CRCs. It mainly depends on the generator polynomial, but also on other criteria, i.e. if the input/output is reflected, or a final XOR value is applied.