

The estd::ordered_map is a fixed-capacity associative container that contains key-value pairs with unique keys. Keys are sorted using the comparison function compare and the default order is ascending order.

Unlike std::map, search operations have logarithmic complexity. Removal and insertion operations have linear complexity in the distance to the end of the ordered_map, including operator[] if the target key is not already present.

The functions insert, emplace, erase and operator[] cause a memmove of the elements located behind the target position. This invalidates all the references, pointers, and iterators referring to the moved elements.


The usage guidelines apply for ordered_map:

Usage guidance

Size of ordered_map should be checked before accessing the elements.

Accessing outside the bounds of ordered_map using at() and operator[]() function will result in assertion.


The following example shows the declaration of ordered_map:

// instantiation of the map that stores up to 10 elements in ascending order
::estd::declare::ordered_map<int32_t, int32_t, 10> m;
// check the lower and upper bound
ASSERT_EQ(m.end(), m.lower_bound(0));
ASSERT_EQ(m.end(), m.upper_bound(0));

The examples in the section below shows the usage of member functions:

MAKE_MAP(int32_t, Value, 10, testMap);
// check whether the key is in the testMap or not
ASSERT_EQ(0U, testMap.count(1));
// assign value of 100 to key 1 for the ordered map named testMap
testMap[1] = 100;
// check whether the key is in the testMap or not
ASSERT_EQ(1U, testMap.count(1));
// clear the ordered map
// assign key-value pair to testMap
testMap[1] = 100;
testMap[2] = 200;
testMap.insert(std::make_pair(3, 300));
testMap.emplace(4); // key is 4 and value is 0
// erase options in testMap with position
// erase options in testMap with key
// erase options in testMap for range of positions
testMap.erase(testMap.cbegin(), testMap.cend());
// check the capacity of testMap
testMap.empty();    // returns TRUE
testMap.size();     // size is 0
testMap.max_size(); // max_size is 10

The next examples shows usage of various operations provided by the class ordered_map:

    ::estd::ordered_map<int32_t, int32_t>::iterator,
    ::estd::ordered_map<int32_t, int32_t>::iterator>
    r = m.equal_range(0);
ASSERT_EQ(m.end(), r.first);
m[1]                                                      = 2;
m[3]                                                      = 4;
::estd::ordered_map<int32_t, int32_t>::value_compare comp = m.value_comp();
ASSERT_TRUE(comp(*m.find(1), *m.find(3)));
MAKE_MAP(int32_t, Value, 10, m1);
m1[1]                 = 100;
IntValueMap const& cm = m1;
// Find whether the key is in the testMap or not
ASSERT_EQ(m1.begin(), m1.find(1));
ASSERT_EQ(m1.cbegin(), cm.find(1));
ASSERT_EQ(1, m1.find(1)->first);
ASSERT_EQ(1, cm.find(1)->first);
ASSERT_EQ(1, (*m1.find(1)).first);
ASSERT_EQ(1, (*cm.find(1)).first);
ASSERT_EQ(100, m1.find(1)->second._v);
ASSERT_EQ(100, cm.find(1)->second._v);
ASSERT_EQ(100, (*m1.find(1)).second._v);
ASSERT_EQ(100, (*cm.find(1)).second._v);
// check whether testMap is full or not
// fill the map with some data
for (auto i = 0U; i < 5; ++i)
    testMap[2 * i] = 10 * i;
// iterator to the end of the map
auto const endIter = testMap.end();
// key *3* does not exist in the ordered_map, so it performs insertion.
// insertion invalidates all the references and iterators referring
// to the reallocated elements after an added item.
(void)(endIter == testMap.end()); // undefined behavior, endIter is invalidated
// use key_comp to compare the temp value assigned
    std::is_same<IntCompare, ::estd::ordered_map<int32_t, int32_t, IntCompare>::key_compare>::
::estd::declare::ordered_map<int32_t, int32_t, 10, IntCompare> _m(IntCompare(17));
::estd::ordered_map<int32_t, int32_t, IntCompare>& m2 = _m;
ASSERT_EQ(17, m2.key_comp()._i);