

estd::result is a type used for returning and propagating errors. Similar concepts exist in many other programming languages and implementations; so the semantics are similar to:

  • Result<T, E> in Rust

  • Boost.Outcome

  • P0323R3 std::expected

  • Either in Haskell, Scala and other FP languages

In estd::result<T, E>, T is the type of value returned on success, and E is the error type, for example, an error code enum.

struct Error
    uint32_t code;

    explicit Error(uint32_t code) : code(code) {}

struct Foo
    size_t bar;

    Foo(size_t bar = 42) : bar(bar) {}

struct Pod
    uint8_t t[10];
} // namespace

There is an edge case where memory consumption of result can be optimized, and that is when T is void and E is an enum. It is possible to use limited as internal storage, which typically results in saving one word of memory. To do so, add a specialization of result_traits next to enum type definition:

enum class Problem

namespace estd
struct result_traits<Problem>
    static constexpr bool LIMITED = true;
} // namespace estd

where WhatWentWrong is the error type used with result<void, E>.