Set up build for S32K148 platform on Ubuntu 22.04

Required tools:

  • gcc for ARM (tested with version 10-3-2021-10).

  • cmake >= 3.22

  • make

The steps below assume you have already completed Set up build environment for POSIX platform on Ubuntu 22.04. If not then please do that first. When that is working, then you just need to add the GCC for ARM toolchain to this environment to build for S32K148 platform.

You can download the GCC for ARM toolchain for your platform from

These steps were tested with version 10.3-2021.10, you may wish to choose a newer version for your platform.

Assuming you have Ubuntu 22.04 running on a x86_64 platform, you can set up the build environment for the S32K148 platform with the following steps.


and unpack it in your preferred location as follows:

tar xjf gcc-arm-none-eabi-x.x-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2

This will create a directory named gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10 with a bin subdirectory containing the GCC for ARM toolchain. Add the full path to gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10/bin to your PATH environment variable and check the compiler is found when you run it:

arm-none-eabi-gcc --version

Then, in the base directory run:

cmake -B cmake-build-s32k148 -S executables/referenceApp -DBUILD_TARGET_PLATFORM="S32K148EVB" --toolchain ../../admin/cmake/ArmNoneEabi.cmake
cmake --build cmake-build-s32k148 --target app.referenceApp -j

The build files should be written to a new subdirectory named cmake-build-s32k148 and the built executable should be found at cmake-build-s32k148/application/app.referenceApp.elf which you can flash on the S32K148 development board.

Next Flash, debug and test serial console on Ubuntu 22.04