: Input pin configuration.
The sfDigitalInputConfigurations array contains ioNumber, isInverted and debounceThreshold for each input configuration in their respective order.
The list of input pin IDs present in the
enum are corresponding to the order of configurations in the sfDigitalInputConfigurations array.An Input pin ID is used to refer to the input pin in the application code.
: List of input pin names for the debugging console. - The List of input pin names present in the inputConfigurationStrings array corresponds to the order of the DigitalInputId enum.
For the demo purposes, EVAL_DI_1 is configured as digital input pin which reads the status of the push button on the evaluation board.
Digital Input
The DigitalInput class in the inputManager/DigitalInput.h
is responsible for the
initialization of the digital input pins based on the inputConfiguration.h
and for providing
the an application interface for reading the digital input pin status.
Application Interface
To get the digital input value, use the following function:
bsp::BspReturnCode get(DigitalInputId channel, bool& result);
void DemoSystem::cyclic()
bool buttonStatus = false;
// This is to read a digital input.
DigitalInput::get(DigitalInput::EVAL_SW3, buttonStatus);
// This is to set the output.
Output::set(Output::EVAL_LED_RED, buttonStatus ? 1 : 0);